
Every day can be a new way,

Every situation an option,

An opportunity,

To grow,

To flow

To find your way, amidst it all,

There are many ways,

Filled with life

That will amaze,

Keep your eyes open

Find your way

Follow your heart

Create your way;

A beautiful art πŸ™πŸ’•

~ M. L Adams

How coaching helps you to achieve your goals

Having a coach for life or training goals can really help you get ahead. Heres why;

β€’ Extra motivation, having someone who you can share your goals with and who encourages and supports you to achieve them, can be hugely motivating and make a lot of difference to your efforts and therefore your outcomes.

β€’ Being accountable to someone also gives you that added extra. Knowing that you have to check in with someone and they’re keeping track of your goal and where you’re at alongside you can be incredibly helpful.

β€’ Extra knowledge, whether it be technique, instruction or just that extra angle of perception, a coach can always provide you with that something you may be missing.

If you’re still unsure, the only way to really find out is to give it a try. To get your introductory coaching session please send a message below with your info & details of your goal(s) and I’ll get back to you asap.

As always, stay happy, healthy and motivated πŸ™πŸ˜Š


5 Benefits of Circuit Training

With so many types of training to choose from it can be hard to know what type of training to do for your goal. This post will particularly focus on the benefit of circuit training, so you can decide if this may be the right one for you.

5 Benefits of Circuit Training;

  • Adaptable and fun; With a variety of stations it keeps the training interesting, as it always different.
  • Challenging; Often being time focused, you are more challenged than you would be in a normal gym session, as you are set to push as much as possible in a short space of time.
  • Something for everyone; Within a circuit there are some exercises you may love and some maybe not so, but you can be sure to never get bored.
  • Great for a variety of goals; Circuits can be set with a variety of goals in mind. Some more fitness based, some strength and others are more sports specific. Check it out at your local gym if you’re unsure of the focus of the circuit.
  • Connection with others; Being in a class environment you will have the added benefit of connection with others, as well as the instructor being there to help keep you motivated.
  • Motivating Music; A key part of staying motivated in training can be the music. Circuit Training sessions often use some of the top music playlists going to help you push through each station and reach your goals.

If you haven’t tried Circuit Training yet and think it may be for you, why not give it a go, others than maybe some stubborn Ibs you have nothing to lose πŸ˜‰

I hope you found this helpful in deciding what type of training may currently be best for you.

As part of a 3 part series, look out for the next post on Calisthenics, and as always if you need any further help and support with your training needs please do get in touch.

To your healthiest and best πŸ™


Yin and Yang

Life is a flow of yin and yang

Sometimes we flow softly

Other times more forcefully,

Yet ultimately

It’s the interflow

The balance of both,

That allows you to be all you can be

Where two become one,

Three is the ultimate

The hard and the soft;

The flow in between

Joining together;

For ultimate being πŸ’•πŸ™

~ M. L Adams

The way of the tao, the balance of yin and yang, allows you to find your way with balance and ease. Have a great week πŸ™


Riding the waves

In life there are many waves, how do you stay aligned through them all?

The following I have found to be useful, I hope you can find some inspiration that may help guide your sail too.

β€’ Stay true to yourself throughout

β€’ Keep your focus on your purpose

β€’ See the good in all

β€’ Be from your heart

β€’ Love what you do

β€’ Go with what is

β€’ Trust within

By following your inner guide it will help you to stay aligned with what ever happens on the outside. Always listen within and trust in it, ride the waves, find your way and riseπŸ™πŸ’›πŸŒŠ

To your healthiest and best,


Staying on Purpose

We all start out with a purpose

Keep staying on purpose

Let all distractions fall away

Keep your focused gaze πŸ™πŸŒŸ

~ M. L Adams

A little motivation for today and everyday.

Today’s world can be full of distractions but ultimately we decide our point of focus.

Stay focused, stay on purpose πŸ™πŸ’›πŸ’«



Nothing can defeat you
When committed to overcoming,

Every little thing ,
Can only make you stronger

Your will becomes skill, then you overcome it
No matter what it is or how it appears

Step by step with resolve
You find a way no matter what πŸ™β€

M. L Adams

A little motivation for your week, enjoy and have a great week. πŸ™πŸ’«


Consistency is Key

Consistency is key in anything we wish to achieve.

Consistently leads to habits which then create our overall productivity and performance whether this be at work, home or in the gym, we need consistency in those things that are most important to us.

To be consistent it helps to have passion or some drive for what you are working on and for this to know your why.

Set your most Important goal right now today with 3 reasons why this is important for you and stay consistent on your routine. If you have the passion then you’re well on your way already.

It will be worth it and you will see the difference.πŸ’«

Stay fit, Stay healthy, Stay consistent.


Honour your progress

It’s important always to honour your progress and all you’ve put it in to your training.

There are several ways you can do this;

  1. Keep a record of your progressions.
  2. Reward yourself when you achieve milestones.
  3. Adapt as progress, enjoying the process.

The journey is where the joy is as well as keeping track of your milestones along the way, this is important, so you can really see how far you’ve come.

Enjoy the process and progress πŸ™πŸ’›πŸ˜Š