Exercise as Medicine

Often underrated exercise as medicine can be a powerful solution as well as deterrent to many common health problems, both in mind and body.

A regular exercise routibe can help to boost your mood, your confidence and your immune system, all of which can help prevent problems occuring or deteriorating within the mind and body.

This alone is reason to exercise and also a powerful motivator, rather than our external appearance. More important and a primary reason to exercise regularly is the health of your mind and body.

Therefore everytime you feel unsure of whether to exercise or not remind yourself of this powerful and important reason and you can guarantee you will always feel better for doing it.

Regular exercise doesn’t need to be excessive either, gentle exercise such as walking and light yoga/stretch sessions can be really helpful also.

For more advice and support with how you can get started and keep going with an exercise plan, please get in touch via the form below.

To your healthiest and happiest,

Miranda πŸ™πŸ’›

Inspire by Example

“To teach is to inspire, to inspire is to teach. Aim to teach always by example.”

Through our own example we can inspire those around us, especially those younger than us in years or experience.

Therefore always remember that when you are looking after you, when you are doing all you do, it’s not just you who is looking, others are becoming inspired by you too.

All the more reason to look after your health and always do the best you can do for yourself and others.

Live morally and to the best of your ability and this will always shine through. Those younger than you will be inspired by you and some will choose to follow too.

Let this be more motivation to always do your best and follow guidelines and ethics.

Growing the love for what you do, as you inspire others too. πŸ™πŸ’›πŸ™‚

To your Healthiest and Best,


5 Ways to Handle Confrontation

Being confronted is a difficult circumstance in life that can be made far easier to handle with the right tools and strategies.

For some of us it may be a rarity that we would encounter a situation and may need these skills and for others perhaps due to their occupation, it may be more frequent.

Either way the following tips can be very useful to know and apply.

  • Stay Centred; being grounded and centred in yourself allows you to stay open and aware to what is happening around you, and also feel safe in yourself that you can respond in the correct way you need to.
  • Stay Calm; remaining calm can take some training, but being able to do so when being confronted and in difficult situations, can prove to be very helpful in being able to respond in a safe and correct manner.
  • Speak Softly; if another person is agitated and trying to agitate you, then the best thing you can do is remain calm and speak softly yet sometimes in a firm way where necessary.
  • Maintain your Distance; keeping a safe distance from someone who is confronting you or attempting too is also essential. In doing this you are maintaining your safety and also preventing them from being able to attack you physically.
  • Know your Exits; as a last resort you need to know the actual exits out of any place or situation, in order to be able to get out safely. However in the best case scenario this can also mean simply calming the person and situation down in order to find a reasonable solution for all involved.

I hope you may find these tips useful if or when you may ever need them. First and foremost however remember, if you can always stay safe and avoid any potential confrontational situations.

For more info on how to handle confrontation and for local self defence lessons please use the contact form below.

To your healthiest and best πŸ™πŸ’«


5 Benefits of Circuit Training

With so many types of training to choose from it can be hard to know what type of training to do for your goal. This post will particularly focus on the benefit of circuit training, so you can decide if this may be the right one for you.

5 Benefits of Circuit Training;

  • Adaptable and fun; With a variety of stations it keeps the training interesting, as it always different.
  • Challenging; Often being time focused, you are more challenged than you would be in a normal gym session, as you are set to push as much as possible in a short space of time.
  • Something for everyone; Within a circuit there are some exercises you may love and some maybe not so, but you can be sure to never get bored.
  • Great for a variety of goals; Circuits can be set with a variety of goals in mind. Some more fitness based, some strength and others are more sports specific. Check it out at your local gym if you’re unsure of the focus of the circuit.
  • Connection with others; Being in a class environment you will have the added benefit of connection with others, as well as the instructor being there to help keep you motivated.
  • Motivating Music; A key part of staying motivated in training can be the music. Circuit Training sessions often use some of the top music playlists going to help you push through each station and reach your goals.

If you haven’t tried Circuit Training yet and think it may be for you, why not give it a go, others than maybe some stubborn Ibs you have nothing to lose πŸ˜‰

I hope you found this helpful in deciding what type of training may currently be best for you.

As part of a 3 part series, look out for the next post on Calisthenics, and as always if you need any further help and support with your training needs please do get in touch.

To your healthiest and best πŸ™


The Importance of Intention

Everyday and every time we train we set out with an intention whether we are aware of this or not.

Our intention sets the way from the outset, therefore becoming aware of our intention from the beginning is essential and this is and always can be just personal to you.

Make it something valuable that can make a difference to others or something simply just for you, most of all every day and every time you train, be aware of what it is you set out to do.

To your healthiest and best πŸ™πŸŒŸπŸ’›


Coping with Stress

Coping with stress is something many of us have to manage on a daily basis, as we are thrown in to situations that can be challenging or difficult to cope with.

So what are some of the best ways of coping with stress.?

  1. Balance– having a good work/life balance is essential, make sure you get enough time for you.
  2. Exercise– stressful situations can create excess energy, which can then be discharged healthily and in a positive way through exercise. By doing this you are making these situations work to your benefit.
  3. Relaxation/Mediation– having a daily practice of relaxation and meditation can help you perform well under pressure, as having a calm mindstate that will come more naturally to you.

Explore other ways and options and find what way works best for you. Stress can work positively for us as well as negatively and it’s important to make it work for you. Following strategies that can make all the difference and ultimately put you in charge of the situation.

To your healthiest and best πŸ™


Practicing Presence

So often in our busy lives we can be caught up by where we have been, or where we have to be, rather than simply being.

This has become such a way of life for many that it’s important to learn to be fully present once again, so how can we practice presence.?

Practicing presence first has to be realised as important for our health and wellbeing, more important than any past or future moment and truth is, this moment is really the only moment there ever is, and why it is most important. For if we miss it we are missing out on life.

The greatest way to train ourselves to be more immersed again in the now and practice presence fully, is through our senses.

Our senses are interacting with the world around us in the now and the more we become in touch with the sights, sounds, smells, tastes and sensations all around us the more present we can become.

Make it a daily practice to become absorbed in one or more of your senses on a daily basis as a mindful meditation and observe how it can help you to become more constantly present.

Enjoy the practice, enjoy the present 🎁 πŸ™‚

Inner Guidance

Along our Journey in life and training we may have many guides, yet more often it’s the guide within us, that knows the best way.

The only thing stopping us is learning to listen and trust in it. This too is part of our journey and other guides in our lives can help bring us to this point.

If you look back in your life there will be moments where you have had this inner guidance, guiding you to go somewhere or not go somewhere and when looking back it is always correct.

Those times we listen we know we made the right choice and the times we didn’t we may wish that we did. Yet this is a skill never too late to learn, some people call this guidance, our intuition or God within the heart.

It is our highest self and so always seeks to guide us to what is our highest and best yet the smaller thinking mind can get in the way with old conditioning, fears or bad habits. This is the small self that becomes quiet through spiritual practice and mediation. We then learn to listen deeper and trust in the true self within.

Some helpful ways to connect more with the higher self are;

  1. Meditation– when we clear the mind chatter, intuition naturally comes.
  2. Learn to trust in it and act upon it.
  3. Filter out external distractions and old conditioning by dropping what we don’t need. Less is more.

Trusting in our inner guide is a practice and process, until it becomes natural. Once we connect more however, we can be far surer we are on the right path πŸ™

To your highest self,

Miranda πŸ’—

Staying Inspired

We can all hit low points in training and in life, so it’s important that we stay inspired and have things that can help re-inspire us when in need.

There are several key things that can help;

  1. Having a positive peer group, surrounding yourself with positive people who lift you up and encourage you when in need is essential when needing that necessary inspiration. Even if that means joining classes or groups, find a way to meet like minded people.
  2. Setting goals, small ones are as important, as well as larger ones. The bigger goals give us something to aim for, whilst the smaller ones allow us to see our progress along the way.
  3. Change with change, when things become stagnant and uninspiring it can be time to create a change or find a new way. There are many opportunities in life, we just have to step out to find them. If we stay in same lane too long, we may just miss them. Don’t be afraid to diversify, you never know if something new will work for you unless you try.

I hope you find these few tips helpful if you have been struggling with staying inspired in your training or with life in general.

Remember there is always a way, look for it and you will find it. πŸ™πŸ’›


From form to flow

Every process in movement can be one that goes from form to flow. This is a process where we learn the movement and then become one with it and in a state of flow.

For this to take effect several elements need to be in place with the movement. The main ones of these are your form, focus and breathing.

The specific steps for this process are;

  1. Learn the most effective form of the movement.
  2. Match your breathing with the movement.
  3. Practice the movement and find your flow, applying your focus.

When you find movement that you enjoy doing, then this process can be really rewarding. Find what works for you, apply the process and most of all enjoy.

For more info on movement flow courses and training, please get in touch.

To your flow πŸ™πŸ’«
