Finding time to meditate

Finding time to meditate daily is essential for our inner peace and as we become more peaceful , we can help create more peace around us too and subsequently for the world.

In todays busy lifestyle, many find it difficult to find time to meditate for any length of time. However it is often found that when we regularly meditate we become much more productive.

This is because we become more present in each moment and therefore more efficient. It can then happen that you begin completing your tasks much earlier than expected and find you have more spare time.

The best time I recommend to mediate is in the morning. This is because, if you sit to meditate first thing in the morning, then it will benefit your whole day and help your mind to be clearer and therefore more productive.

If you really struggle with the morning then the next best time would be before bed, for this time, set aside 20 minutes before you go to bed to meditate and you’ll find you sleep much deeper.

20 minutes is the optimal time to start with, however you can adapt this and build up. If you do struggle, start with 5 mins and build by 5mins a week until you get to 20 minutes.

When you are comfortable and if it feels right for you, you can then do both first thing in the morning and last thing at night for optimal results.

As with any new habit; stick to the same time each day if you can and this will help to form the habit much more easily.

Also remember your reasons why and all the benefits you will gain from taking the time to meditate daily.

Benefits such as reducing stress and anxiety, improving productivity and efficiency and many more give you lots of reasons to stick to this life changing and life improving habit. 🙏💕🙏

To your Healthiest and Best,


Practicing Presence

So often in our busy lives we can be caught up by where we have been, or where we have to be, rather than simply being.

This has become such a way of life for many that it’s important to learn to be fully present once again, so how can we practice presence.?

Practicing presence first has to be realised as important for our health and wellbeing, more important than any past or future moment and truth is, this moment is really the only moment there ever is, and why it is most important. For if we miss it we are missing out on life.

The greatest way to train ourselves to be more immersed again in the now and practice presence fully, is through our senses.

Our senses are interacting with the world around us in the now and the more we become in touch with the sights, sounds, smells, tastes and sensations all around us the more present we can become.

Make it a daily practice to become absorbed in one or more of your senses on a daily basis as a mindful meditation and observe how it can help you to become more constantly present.

Enjoy the practice, enjoy the present 🎁 🙂

Maintaining Balance

Seek balance in daily life

Finding balance in our lives is a constant re-adjustment. As we are always changing and life is always changing, how much we need to give or recieve in certain areas is always adjusting.

With this, our mindset has to readjust also and sometimes we may experience a lag. We may perceive that we need more than we do based on past experiences or give more than we need to for the same reason, or to strive for something that is not necessary for our lives.

In finding balance our bodies and minds are the best signal, if we are out of balance and giving too much in a certain area we will be certain to feel the symptoms, such as fatigue or stress and if left too long this can worsen.

The first step to finding or refinding our balance then is to listen to ourselves and the feedback our body is giving and then make the adjustments accordingly.

We may need to either reduce or increase certain activities to find our balance again.

Another helpful practice can be to sit down and reevaluate our goals and see what still fits with where we are now and where we want to be. As we grow and change our goals will naturally change and/or we can find a different path.

Lastly trust your inner self, your intuition above all, it will always guide you to what is right for you and the correct balance in your life.

Enjoy the search, the growth and the process,

We are all a part of nature

And nature always seeks to find balance

Miranda 🙏💛

Cultivating Virtue

Through discipline in practice we cultivate inner virtues, attaining the higher benefits of long sustained practice such as inner strength and peace of mind.

It’s only through daily persistent efforts of our training and meditation that we can attain these benefits, yet once attained they become a part of you as a person and continue to endure.

The particular practice you do does not matter so much, it is more that it fits with you and your purpose, and this may change over time. Having strong values at your core and the ability to persist on your path will allow you to develop these indestructible skills that enable you to have a better way of life. Enabling you to live in a that is more peaceful and filled with insight and onward growth.

Enjoy the journey 🙏💛


Daily Practice

What we do daily is what really makes a difference, its the small consistent steps that add to whole well-being; spiritually, mentally and physically

The following video of the yoga practice Sun Salutation is one of my daily practices. Its also one that I recommend to many because of its significant meaning of giving gratitude for that which we can not live without, and its ability to stretch out the whole body as a great way to start the day.

Please give it a try if you feel able to 🙏

Daily Sun Salutation

Please also share your daily practices and how they help you. I would love to hear from you.

Miranda 💗