Disadvantage or Advantage

There are many aspects of our life that may first appear as a disadvantage, yet within every disadvantage can come an advantage.

How we find it often is a part of the journey and how we can turn it in to a success. A disadvantage may for example cause us to have to try a different way or learn a new skill.

An injury is a perfect example of this where we can learn ways to strengthen a previous weakness and then become stronger overall.

It’s also the same with an illness, however tough it can be, there are many lessons and advantages we can learn along the way. Such as being able to have compassion and understanding for those in similar positions and then be able to help them through similar struggles.

Nothing is ever a disadvantage nor advantage, it is simply what we make of it and how we choose to view and use that particular situation.

I have a Monday challenge for you :).. take any situation you have been finding difficult and aim to see the higher purpose of how you can use this to your advantage in the long term.

When you look for it, you will find it 🙏💛

Cultivating Virtue

Through discipline in practice we cultivate inner virtues, attaining the higher benefits of long sustained practice such as inner strength and peace of mind.

It’s only through daily persistent efforts of our training and meditation that we can attain these benefits, yet once attained they become a part of you as a person and continue to endure.

The particular practice you do does not matter so much, it is more that it fits with you and your purpose, and this may change over time. Having strong values at your core and the ability to persist on your path will allow you to develop these indestructible skills that enable you to have a better way of life. Enabling you to live in a that is more peaceful and filled with insight and onward growth.

Enjoy the journey 🙏💛


The Power of One

‘With the power of one everything comes.’

No matter how tough things can be or how uphill a struggle seems, with the power of one anything can be achieved.

Step by step

Moment by moment

Day by day

Every one counts,

Every choice you make

Can help you to create

The vision you see,

The way you want to be;

This is the power of one

~ M.L Adams

Never underestimate the power of one. In one moment many moments and many possibilities exist, and within this all changes. Always keep going ♡

Overcome any obstacle

Life can throw us many obstacles, so it makes sense that there are also many ways around them. There’s no one size fits all.

We are all different and so our goals and the obstacles on the way to achieving them will  be different.

Often amongst these obstacles, can be the one of getting distracted from our original goal. This can happen in effort to fit in with what others are doing or what we’re told to be achieving.

This getting distracted from our original goal can often be one of the toughest and most deceiving, because we can begin to believe that the goal is ours when it is in fact not.

Always track back to your orginal goals when you set out to achieve something and make sure you stay focused on this. Listen to your inner truth at all times, because it’s your journey and you’re the one who has to put the work in.

Once you are certain of your goal and stay focused on it, you will always find a way and it’s not for others to know or understand it, because it’s your journey.

Other obstacles can be much simpler and come down to our own self awareness, recognising fears and doubts, when to listen to them and when not to.

A useful tool for this is self reflection. It really helps to keep a journal throughout so you can stay self aware through the reflection process.

For more information on how to do this please get in touch to book an intial coaching session.

Obstacles are all in fact our guides, as when we really observe and become aware of what it is showing us we will always find a way either around, over, under or through them.

Just make sure you always keep your inner compass as your guide.

Stay at your best,

Miranda 💗

Ignite Within


All real faith and motivation comes from within, situations, people and experiences from the outside can take us to this point but ultimately it is ourselves that drives us to keep going towards any goal, or any important task. This poem is wrote with that purpose, we all have that place within, find it and you’ll be on fire, then nothing will stop you reaching your goal.

Feel the fire come up within you
There is nothing to hold you back
Just believe in yourself and you’ll win

Bring up the force from within you
Believe in yourself, this is true
There is nothing that can hold you back now
Nothing except for you

Feel that force from within you
All is possible from there
There is nothing , or no place stronger
Just believe in yourself and your there

All is possible from here and now,
Listen to that place from within
All you have to do is believe in yourself
There is nothing to stop you from there.


The Transforming of Pain into Joy


‘ Pain is inevitable, suffering is an option.’~ Buddhist Proverb

What is the purpose of pain and suffering? Is it necessary to go through and can we ever be free from it? These our some of the questions that many of us ask ourselves and that have long been asked throughout humankind. As a practicing buddhist I have come to realise through life and practice what I firmly believe to be the truth of purpose to this difficult part of life, that of transformation.

All life grows and changes and through pain in our lives this is when we often grow the most spiritually and emotionally. Likewise even physically, for example when we have a very good gym session, we will experience some pain afterwards that may be tough to manage for example if it is difficult to walk the next day. However we know that it has a purpose to it – the purpose of growth, all other types of pain also have this purpose.

When I think back to the most difficult times in my life, the greatest benefits have always come out of it, there has always been a lesson to learn. I didnt see it at the time but in the end it always becomes clear. Growth is always happening , it is part of life’s natural force. It will happen naturally whether we want it to or not, the suffering comes when we resist this. As hard as some times can be they will have purpose to your growth as a person, having faith in this may not take the pain away, but it will ease the suffering caused by resisting it.

Whatever it is that causes the pain may be tough at the time, but is a neccesary path of life and growth. In addition the more you triumph over it and realise the victories and benefits you have achieved, the easier it will become. Pain will not scare you anymore because you know that you will grow from it and be able to transorm it in to something more than you can ever imagine at the time.

Pain, emotional or physical is nothing to be scared of, in fact you could even consider it to be your friend, for where would we be if life was so free and easy, in denial perhaps to the true realities of life? In addition without pain how would we recognise the true joys and growth in life. Through recognition comes inner power and with inner power you can transform anything you want to from within yourself.

lotus 4

‘ Just as the pure white lotus flower blooms unsoiled in the muddy water, our lives which are supremely noble, can continue to shine even amid the harshest realities. ‘ ~Daisaku Ikeda