Training Progressions

When setting out on our training journey we often start with a goal. Our overall goal may be something like to lose weight or compete in a race and along the way we can hit many milestones before achieving it.

What can often happen however is that we achieve much more than we set out to achieve and it is these results that make the journey to our goal and the training itself so valuable.

For example on the journey to losing weight you can start to feel much better in yourself and also have more energy to complete the daily tasks in life. Difficulties such as joint pain and stiffness can also improve as well as many other improvements.

Often before we see the outer changes the inside changes first. Our blood pressure and blood sugar levels get lower and overall mobility improves and these are in some ways far greater, as being important factors in your daily life and overall wellbeing.

It is important to note these small progressions on the way as these are what can keep you going and maintaining daily exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Focus on the small steps and you are well on your way. Keep going and you’ll achieve more than you ever thought was possible.

‘It’s the small steps that lead to big success and that success is unique to you’

~ M.L Adams

Stay focused on the joys in your training 💗


The many benefits of Chi Gung

A regular chi gung practice can have immeasurable benefits for your health and wellbeing. Helping to balance out any areas of deficiency by encouraging the natural flow of chi throughout the body.

Being a gentle form of exercise it is suitable and helpful for a wide range of health conditions. Benefiting the mind and body by clearing out old stuck emotions and stagnant chi.

With regular practice you will feel more energised and supple and as old emotions clear, people often find a lot of health difficulties also go over time.

With the mind and body being so interconnected, as emotions get stored and energy gets blocked, this can lead to health problems such as fatigue and much more. Chi gung can be a powerful way to begin to clear this energy as it helps to reverse illness and maintain health.

Clearing toxins, keeping the organs healthy as well as joints and tendons in a supple and strong condition. This in turn improves mindfulness, gives natural energy, clarity, creativity and improved focus.

The list could go on but the only way for you to truly know is to find out for yourself. If you would like to try chi gung and discover the many benefits for yourself, please drop me a message below and I’ll get back to you with our dates and times.

Be free with Chi 🙂


Where there’s a will there’s a way

Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.’

~ Arthur Ashe

In fitness training, as long as we have the will to get started, we can always find a way. There is something for everyone.

It is common in the fitness world to hear excuses such as; ‘I dont have enough time’ or ‘I dont like the gym’ and many more.

However no matter what the reason and however genuine, there is always a way and method that you can find to begin improving your fitness.

It is simply a matter of experimenting, the best way to get started is to simply begin. Try out different things even for just 15 minutes a day and see where it takes you.

Nowadays there are many more options such as our online courses, classes and many of them adaptable for all.

There are indoor and outdoor training methods and if you struggle with motivation there is the option of personal training and coaching, as well as online videos to keep you going.

There is always a way to suit everyone and of any ability or taste, and once you’ve found it, all you need to do is practice regularly to improve.

Find what suits you and what you enjoy, then simply add it to your routine just 3 times a week to get started. This will make a lot of difference from which you can build up from.

This is the true magic of training, it is just the getting started and keeping a routine that is difficult in the beginning, then the momentum will take hold and keep you going to greater and greater joys to find 🙂

For more information on our latest classes and courses please fill out the form below and we will get back to you. Thank you.

The pros and cons of framing

Just what is framing and how is it used?

It is essentially having a pre-set idea of how something is, or will be and how this can work either for or against us.

Framing is something we can do often and also have done to us, yet often without realising it.

It is something that marketers often use to sell or to convince us of an idea.

So what can we do about this, and how to make it work for instead of against us?

These are some of the pros and cons of framing;


Can be used as a motivational tool to achieve results.

Can be used to focus more specifically and cut out the things that distract you.


Can be used against you to form certain beliefs that you would not otherwise have or chosen.

Can cause you to lose sight of true reality and what is in front of you.

I have unfortunately witnessed and experienced the use of this first hand and can say for sure its not a nice thing to have used on you, however unfortunately this happens, so awareness is key. If you notice your thoughts and focus are being directed in a certain way that takes you away from your truth, turn the other direction. 🙂

However once you are aware of its use and if you choose to, using preframing or reframing can certainly help you when its in your hands. For example before you go to the gym if you set the intention of it being an awesome session then you will be far more likely to have one.

Just ensure this skill is in your hands, preferably not the salesmans 🙂

Enjoy trying it out and stay aware always.

Miranda 💗

Growth and Change

Too often we think things should stay the same. Yet how can we really grow if things dont change?

I have seen this in the gym very often and the same plays out in life. We can be doing something good but not changing it anyway, therefore the results we attained just remain the same.

In order to keep growing we have to continue to change. In the gym this can be as often as every 4-6 weeks.

If we keep doing the same weights for much longer then there is no further improvements from our original gains.

Our bodies need to be challenged to grow, so for this we need to continue to increase, change and adapt.

For example, once we’ve reached our highest weight possible on a particular exercise, we can then change the exercise or method to continually allow the muscles to adapt.

Then we will see and feel growth and change and won’t remain stagnant doing the same thing.

This can also apply in our daily lives, if we stay doing the same thing forever this may feel safe and secure but without any change is there really much growth, and what opportunities may we be missing out on.?

Sometimes we may be fearful of letting go of the old. When this is the case, just try out one new thing at a time and see how it benefits you, then you will soon get used to change and will never want to stay stuck doing the same for so long again.

After a time of getting used to change, we can then come to realise that the only thing to be fearful of is not changing. Change is growth and growth is change, its never anything to be afraid of.

Take that step today and make a change.

For often we don’t lose people or things, we simply outgrow them. ♡

Stay Healthy, Stay Happy


The Power of One

‘With the power of one everything comes.’

No matter how tough things can be or how uphill a struggle seems, with the power of one anything can be achieved.

Step by step

Moment by moment

Day by day

Every one counts,

Every choice you make

Can help you to create

The vision you see,

The way you want to be;

This is the power of one

~ M.L Adams

Never underestimate the power of one. In one moment many moments and many possibilities exist, and within this all changes. Always keep going ♡

3 steps to finding a way that works for you

In a world that offers so much choice in ways of training and keeping fit, how can you truly know what works best for you as an individual.

Follow these 3 steps to finding a way that works for you;

1.) Experiment; try new things even if its one class or one month, you can’t really know without trying for yourself. Once you have tried you can truly say whether it works for you or not.

2.) Trust your inner feeling; do you feel good whilst practising? What does your body, mind and soul tell you, does it really resonate with you and the person you want to be and become.

3.) What are the results; for this you will need to attend for some time to see if you achieve what it is you wish to achieve in the class or exercise. You can also check in with other attendees in the class and see what their results are and if it is what you are looking for.

The above are my top 3 ways in finding a way that works for you and to do so as quickly as possible. Sometimes it can take a little longer, however you will always gain and learn lessons from whatever you do.

Most often, it is trial and error and of course all important is that you have fun in what you are doing, as well as getting the results you wish to achieve.

Enjoy the discovery, enjoy the journey 💛


Doing what you love

When it comes to fitness training as with many things, it is always best to do what you love. Why force yourself to do some form of exercise that you do not ove or even enjoy when there are so many forms of exercise to choose from that you can find and fall in love with. If you haven’t found yours yet, then simply experiment.

Try different ways and methods; get creative and enjoy yourself whilst also getting results. When you really start doing what you love you may then find yourself finding flow; a state of immersion in what you’re doing. This can happen fairly easily in exercise when we get in to rhythmic patterns and become absorbed in the movement.

This is something I’m working on at the moment and it is a continual process of discovery.

Find what works for you and most importantly enjoy.

For more information on discovering flow states please get in touch.

All the best in health and happiness.

Miranda ♡

What to do without the gym

How are you finding life in lockdown, Takes a bit of adjusting doesnt it? Hopefully most of you have managed to find a way to workout without the gym, and now the dates for re-opening have been announced we’ve not too much longer to wait. Here are a few tips just in case you are struggling,to keep you going until then.

1.) Workout first thing– Whatever exercise you’re going to do, try to do it first thing. Motivation is highest when we get straight in to it, otherwise other things can distract us and take over the day.

2.) Body weight training – This time can actually be a great opportunity to explore more bodyweight training. This can be as simple as push ups and sit ups and can be adapted to any level. Always warm up and cool-down, and with some simple exercises you can make an easy to follow workout for 20 mins, 3 times a week. This alone can make a lot of difference. For more advice please get in touch.

3.) Get outdoors – This time is also a great opportunity to get back in touch with nature and enjoy all it has to offer. So try to make the most of it while you have the time. Being more in touch with nature has natural calming and mood boosting effects, in addition to those we already get from exercise. This is something we could all do with right now and comes highly recommended.

If at all you are really struggling and need some more support and advice at this time, Then please do get in touch and we will be happy to support. Stay strong and stay healthy.


5 ways to cope in difficult times

Life is full of ups and downs and its natural to encounter difficult times, particularly where there are many changes and circumstances are thrust upon us.

Many people have been finding the current time very difficult to cope with due to all the changes and limitations that have come with the lockdowns.

I wanted to reach out and offer some ways that I reccomend for coping better in difficult times.

1.) Help others. Reaching out to others may feel like the last thing you want to do when you feeling low. However it can often be the best thing, by reaching out to others to help and support, it enables you to get out of your own difficulties for a while and you make someone else feel better too. Its win-win, do your best to stay supportive.

2.) Connecting to Nature. Spending time in nature and connecting deeply to nature, is very therapeutic. It has a calming effect on the body and is proven to reduce stress, anxiety, blood pressure as well as many more health benefits. Aim to spend at least 20-30 minutes to really feel the connection and allow nature to reciprocate with you. If done regularly you will begin to really feel the benefits over time.

3.) Find a way of expressing yourself. Art can be one of the best mediums for self-expression and this can also be very therapeutic, as it allows you to transform your feelings in to something new and uniquely you. This can be in many ways, it may be painting, writing, dance or any other form that works for you. This helps best when you become completely immersed in the activity and allow it to take over for you, so you are no longer thinking; simply being.

4.) Exercise. Do whatever exercise you can and again make it work for you. Let it be something you enjoy and feel good from after. There is always something for everyone. Find what you love and then try your best to do at least 30mins to 1 hour, 3 times a week to begin with. This will help to boost your endorphins (feel-good hormones) and so physiologically really help you to start feeling better.

5.) Daily Gratitude. Gratitude really helps us to become more present and focused on the good things in life. This can be for the little things or the big things and even just writing down 5 things we are grateful for everyday can really help make a difference to our outlook. The following video is a beautiful example of the benefits of gratitude and well worth a watch. Enjoy 🙂

I hope you find the above ways of use and can apply them. Please contact us for any more advice and support you may need.

Wishing you all the best in health and happiness ♡
